About Me
My name is CrystalENVT (Read as Crystal then the 4 letters ENVT), or you can just call me Crystal.
- My pronouns are They/Them/Theirs or She/Her/Hers. Usage examples
- I am a demigirl (or in simpler terms, a Non-binary Trans woman). You can read more about this over here
About Streams & Videos
I'm a variety streamer, playing basically whatever I currently find interesting. I strive for 4 hours per stream 4 days a week, & try to post at least 1 video a week This has included but not limited to:
- Kaizo Super Mario World
- The Legend of Zelda series
- Frostpunk
- Puzzle Games
- Shooters
About Programming
- I have a Computer Science degree from Michigan Technological University [May 2020 grad]
- I developed text autocorrection tools through a research position, and I helped tutor CS students through the on campus Learning Center
- Currently work for one of the Fortune 500 companies as a Database Administrator, managing ~2000 MongoDB databases
- Programming Languages:
- Java | My main programming language
- Bash scripting | primary language used at work
- Ansible scripting | currently developing skills in this language